Multioutput Stacking Regressor

3 maja, 2020 admin 0

030520202122 Combine predictors using stacking In [1]: import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv(’/home/wojciech/Pulpit/3/BikeSharing.csv’) print(df.shape) df.head(3) (17379, 17) Out[1]: instant dteday season yr mnth […]

Pytorch regression 3.7 [BikeSharing.csv]

3 maja, 2020 admin 0

030520201303 Work on diagnostic systems. The tank prototype can really be checked in combat conditions! In [1]: import torch I’m starting a GPU graphics card […]

Pytorch regression 3.1 [BikeSharing.csv]

2 maja, 2020 admin 0

020520201956 Work on diagnostic systems. We have replaced the engine in our tank with a more universal one In [1]: import torch I’m starting a […]

Pytorch regression 2.3 [BikeSharing.csv]

2 maja, 2020 admin 0

020520201513 Work on diagnostic systems. There is no progress in tank construction without diagnostics. In [1]: import torch I’m starting a GPU graphics card (which […]

CatBoost Step 1. CatBoostClassifier (cat_features)

3 kwietnia, 2020 admin 0

030420200928 In [1]: ## colorful prints def black(text): print(’33[30m’, text, ’33[0m’, sep=”) def red(text): print(’33[31m’, text, ’33[0m’, sep=”) def green(text): print(’33[32m’, text, ’33[0m’, sep=”) def […]